Europe has no idea how to woo India, says the Economist

Despite their common interests, Europe faces three significant obstacles in building stronger relations with India. Firstly, the European Union's visa policies for Indian travelers are a major point of contention. While EU citizens can easily obtain visas for India, Indian travelers face cumbersome and often rejected visa applications when trying to visit Europe for business … Continue reading Europe has no idea how to woo India, says the Economist

Northern Europe vs Southern Europe

Europe is also home to a deep-rooted division that often goes unnoticed by the casual observer. This division stems from a perceived sense of superiority held by some Northern Europeans over their Southern counterparts. It is essential to explore the historical, economic, and cultural factors that have contributed to this divisive perception. To understand the … Continue reading Northern Europe vs Southern Europe

Indian philosophy and ancient Greece

Indian philosophy and ancient Greek philosophy are two of the most influential philosophical traditions in the world. While they may have evolved independently of each other, they share some commonalities in their ideas and concepts. In this essay, we will explore the relationship between Indian philosophy and ancient Greek philosophy and how they have influenced … Continue reading Indian philosophy and ancient Greece

The true Western motto is: “We are the masters and have the say”

This article originally appeared on Nachdenkseiten. Driven by the same stupidity with which we try to solve our global problems today and squander our creative potential, the powerful of the early days, inspired by the simple idea “I am the Lord and I am in charge”, began to very successfully consolidate their rule and expand. … Continue reading The true Western motto is: “We are the masters and have the say”

Are Finns and Hungarians Turks? The difference between Turanism and Pan-Turkism

Many confuse Pan-Turkism with Turanism, including sometimes the Hungarian Prime Minister Orban. However, one can forgive him for that. Many think that the Hungarians really consider themselves Turks in the literal linguistic sense. This is far from true. Since the 19th century, the Hungarians adhered to the ideology of Turanism, not pan-Turkism. They called one … Continue reading Are Finns and Hungarians Turks? The difference between Turanism and Pan-Turkism

Does Italian media make us more free? – Alessandro Orsini

And now General Mark Milley, the chief of staff of the American armed forces, suggests dealing with Russia. The general explains that there has been a massacre in Ukraine: the massacre that I foreshadowed on February 24 in my first speeches on the war. General Milley says about 100,000 Russian soldiers and about 100,000 Ukrainian … Continue reading Does Italian media make us more free? – Alessandro Orsini

Forget the tears. The West is happy that Russia has attacked Ukraine

At first it may seem of course a terrible thing even to just entertain such a thought. Yet there are a lot of elements to suggest that Europe and the United States may not entirely be disinterested in the prolongation of the Ukrainian crisis, since February taken to a new level by the open confrontation … Continue reading Forget the tears. The West is happy that Russia has attacked Ukraine

Can Macron avert a war between Russia and NATO?

French President Emmanuel Macron succeeded in getting his colleagues from Russia and the United States, Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden, to agree to a summit on security issues in the Ukrainian Donbass, where an armed escalation has continued for the fourth day since 18 February. Macron “proposed a summit between President Biden and President Putin … Continue reading Can Macron avert a war between Russia and NATO?

Poland is not going to leave the EU, but the EU is at yet another crisis point

Relations between Poland and the EU have been tense since at least 2015, when the Polish conservative party “Prawo i Sprawiedliwosc” (“Law and Justice”) won the elections after a 8-year rule by the pro-European “Citizen platform”. These relations took another turn for the worse when a few weeks ago the Polish Constitutional Court deemed some … Continue reading Poland is not going to leave the EU, but the EU is at yet another crisis point

Putin, Putin everywhere – Myśl Polska

This article originally appeared on Myśl Polska. The German Office for the Protection of the Constitution has targeted German vaccine-skeptics who do not trust vaccination against COVID-19 with drugs that are not sufficiently tested for side effects, or for how long they last. Someone might ask: what does the Office for the Protection of the … Continue reading Putin, Putin everywhere – Myśl Polska

Europe must not succumb to the Soros network – Orban responds to Soros

Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orbán responded to an article by George Soros published in Project Syndicate on November 18, calling for pressure on Hungary and Poland. Many believe that the prime minister of a country should not enter into an argument with George Soros. Their reasoning is that Soros is an economic criminal, because he … Continue reading Europe must not succumb to the Soros network – Orban responds to Soros

Eastern Europe beats West in Covid-19 fight, but West can’t acknowledge it because of Cold War SUPERIORITY complex

By Neil Clark This article was originally published on By any objective assessment, governments in the eastern half of Europe have dealt with the Covid-19 outbreak better than many in the west. Yet, because of deep-seated attitudes of superiority, few are giving credit where it’s due. Europe is divided again, but this time not … Continue reading Eastern Europe beats West in Covid-19 fight, but West can’t acknowledge it because of Cold War SUPERIORITY complex