Why Russians Don’t Want to Be Europeans

By Patrick Armstrong This article was originally published by the Strategic Culture Foundation. In a previous essay I argued that Russia was not a European country. It was its own thing – a civilisation-state. I used a Toynbeean argument that the history of Europe could be written without ever using the word “Russia” up until … Continue reading Why Russians Don’t Want to Be Europeans

The Illusion Of The Polish Road To Sovereignty – One World

This article was written by Polish journalist Konrad Rękas in response to Andrew Korybko's latest piece about how "Germany Wants To Replace The Patriotic Polish Government With Europhile Puppets". It originally appeared on One World. I tried to understand the author's writing that Poland is already on its road to independence because I know that … Continue reading The Illusion Of The Polish Road To Sovereignty – One World

Germany Wants To Replace The Patriotic Polish Government With Europhile Puppets – One World

This article originally appeared on OneWorld. The former Polish Minister of Defense accused Germany of conspiring with a few other foreign actors to replace the patriotic Polish government with Europhile puppets, arguing that the country's latest political controversy over the date of its presidential elections is proof of an attempt being made to carry out … Continue reading Germany Wants To Replace The Patriotic Polish Government With Europhile Puppets – One World

Никогда не забудем

Завтра 9 мая, день великой победы. 75 лет с того дня, когда мы получили полную уверенность в том, что будем жить, мы - будущие поколения, чьи бабушки и дедушки, прабабушки и прадедушки - все до единого прямо или косвенно учавствовали в войне. В 2017 г были рассекречены новые данные - 41 МИЛЛИОН. 41 миллион жителей … Continue reading Никогда не забудем

Как украинцы видят Европу?

После распада Советского Союза для многих украинцев Европа стала чем-то вроде «земли обетованной». Не только для ряда украинцев, впрочем, но и для жителей многих других республик. СМИ активно идеализировали и приукрашивали Европу, чтобы отвратить людей от ностальгии по советским временам, бытовавшей в украинском обществе в 1990х и начале 2000х. Такая ностальгия была вызвана резким ухудшением … Continue reading Как украинцы видят Европу?

Will coronavirus revive global liberalism or put an end to it? – Myśl Polska

This article first appeared on Myśl Polska. The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the face of the modern world in the basic spheres of human existence. He revealed above all the destructive nature of global political and economic-economic processes based on liberalism - not only at the societal level, but also in the individual space of … Continue reading Will coronavirus revive global liberalism or put an end to it? – Myśl Polska

The European Union is an insufferable charade but it can emerge stronger after covid-19

The coronavirus epidemic has once again shown the true face of the European Union, just as the euro crisis in 2011 and the subsequent treatment of Greece showed. There are the beautiful slogans and proclaims of common values, solidarity and prosperity – and there is the hard, brutal and cold reality. Before this latest crisis, … Continue reading The European Union is an insufferable charade but it can emerge stronger after covid-19

Italian PM Conte: “Insinuations about Russian aid offend me deeply”

In an interview with the BBC, Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte has said Russian aid to Italy, until now the country that has registred the highest number of CoViD-19 deaths, has come with no strings attached. Answering to a question from BBC journalist Mark Lowen, who asked if Russia was planning to use aid to … Continue reading Italian PM Conte: “Insinuations about Russian aid offend me deeply”

The EU may be a noble ideal, but its reality is grim

Defenders of the European Union argue that the institution may have flaws, but that it represents a noble ideal and for this reason the union must stand above everything else, like for example sovereignty, the will of the people in the individual nations and other petty and narrow-minded matters like national legislations. For the European … Continue reading The EU may be a noble ideal, but its reality is grim

Diego Fusaro: “The European Union remains the main enemy of Italy”

The open society is coming to an end these days with the lockdown: the fuchsia-rainbows brigade of the “Bella Ciao” suddenly became a lover of drones and the army, mobile phone traceability and “law and order”. We would be laughing if we weren't crying. Meanwhile, Albania has given its splendid lesson of dignity and solidarity … Continue reading Diego Fusaro: “The European Union remains the main enemy of Italy”

Экс-президент Еврокомиссии Романо Проди: «Евросоюз рискует распасться»

В статье для газеты «Il Messaggero» итальянский политик Романо Проди, экс-президент Европейской комиссии, пишет, что после отказа Европейского совета договориться о выпуске общесоюзных облигаций ЕС рискует распасться. «Становится невозможным идентифицировать себя с сообществом, если члены этого сообщества не чувствуют общности, даже когда коллективные страдания достигают невыносимого уровня», - написал итальянец. «Если европейские правители реагируют только … Continue reading Экс-президент Еврокомиссии Романо Проди: «Евросоюз рискует распасться»

Итальянская газета La Stampa: «Из России больше военных, чем помощи»

Когда вечером прошлого воскресенья 9 российских самолетов с медицинским оборудованием и персоналом приземлились в Италии, многие итальянцы почувствовали благодарность за помощь, оказанную в один из самых трудных моментов в новейшей итальянской истории. Некоторые, однако, в том числе журналист La Stampa Якопо Якобони, увидели в доставке из России, в которой были российские военные вирусологи и эпидемиологи, … Continue reading Итальянская газета La Stampa: «Из России больше военных, чем помощи»

Ex-President of the European Commission Romano Prodi: “The European Union risks to dissolve”

In an article for the newspaper “Il Messaggero” the Italian politician Romano Prodi, ex-President of the European Commission, wrote that after the refusal of the European Council to agree on the emission of union-wide bonds the European Union risks to dissolve. “It becomes impossible to identify with a community if the members of the same … Continue reading Ex-President of the European Commission Romano Prodi: “The European Union risks to dissolve”

Italian newspaper La Stampa: “More military men than help from Russia”

When last Sunday night 9 Russian air planes arrived with medical equipment and personnel, many in Italy felt gratitude for the help delivered in one of the most difficult moments in recent Italian history. Some, however, including La Stampa journalist Jacopo Iacoboni, saw in the delivery coming from Russia, that included Russian military virologists and … Continue reading Italian newspaper La Stampa: “More military men than help from Russia”

Stop Fake: “Behind Russian aid to Italy there are German Neonazis”

The delivery of Russian aid to Italy was coordinated with the help of German “neonazis”, the Italian version of Stop Fake, the famous web operation whose statutory mission is to unmask fake news, has claimed. Russia sent several planes with medical equipment and doctors to Italy on Sunday, in an effort to help the country … Continue reading Stop Fake: “Behind Russian aid to Italy there are German Neonazis”