Whistleblower Reveals Recovered Non-Human Craft Secrets

In a groundbreaking revelation, a former intelligence official turned whistleblower has provided Congress and the Intelligence Community Inspector General with classified information about covert programs that have allegedly retrieved intact and partially intact craft of non-human origin, writes the Debrief. This information, which has been illegally withheld from Congress, sheds light on a long-hidden enigma with significant national security implications.

David Charles Grusch, a decorated combat officer and veteran of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) and the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), has come forward with explosive details about the existence of these programs. Grusch, who served as the NGA’s co-lead for Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) analysis, claims that the government, its allies, and defense contractors have been recovering non-human craft for decades.

The retrieved objects, according to Grusch, possess unique atomic arrangements, radiological signatures, and vehicle morphologies that indicate their exotic and non-human origin. Grusch’s complaint, filed with the help of his lawyer, a former Intelligence Community Inspector General, alleges illegal retaliation for his confidential disclosures.

Corroborating Grusch’s claims, other intelligence officials, both active and retired, have independently provided similar information on and off the record. Karl E. Nell, a retired Army Colonel who worked closely with Grusch, attests to his credibility, describing him as “beyond reproach.” Christopher Mellon, a former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence, also acknowledges the existence of these programs and the difficulties in validating and disclosing such explosive information.

The task force responsible for investigating UAP, formerly known as UFOs, has expanded into the All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office, now encompassing underwater investigations as well. However, Grusch argues that the operations conducted by these programs were shielded from proper Congressional oversight, prompting him to file his complaint and bring attention to the issue.

Despite the lack of physical evidence provided to Congress, Grusch’s disclosures have initiated a growing determination among some government officials to unravel the truth behind these non-human craft recoveries. Congress, which previously experienced a disinformation campaign by the Air Force to discredit reported sightings, is now pressing for answers. New protective provisions in the defense appropriations bill allow individuals with relevant UAP information to inform Congress without fear of retaliation.

Jonathan Grey, an intelligence officer specializing in UAP analysis, has joined Grusch in speaking out about the reality of non-human intelligence and the need for a global solution. Grey, who works for the National Air and Space Intelligence Center (NASIC), emphasizes that the phenomenon extends beyond the United States and calls for greater transparency.

Grusch, who served as an Intelligence Officer for over fourteen years, prepared briefs for Congress on UAP and contributed to the language in the National Defense Authorization Act. He asserts that covert programs involving the retrieval and study of exotic materials have been ongoing for decades, leading to a terrestrial arms race focused on reverse engineering technologies of unknown origin.

Grusch’s bravery in exposing these programs has emboldened others with similar knowledge to come forward. However, the path to transparency remains challenging due to the complex web of agencies involved and the lack of trust in the current All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office.

The revelations brought forth by David Charles Grusch and supported by other intelligence officials shed light on the existence of covert programs involved in the recovery of non-human craft. The implications of these discoveries for national security are profound, leading to increased pressure from Congress to uncover the truth. With the bravery of whistleblowers like Grusch, there is hope for greater transparency and understanding of the non-human intelligence phenomenon that has captivated the public for decades.

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