How to find a job in Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia, known for its rich cultural heritage, vibrant economy, and vast opportunities, has become an attractive destination for job seekers from around the world. With its diverse job market spanning various industries, finding employment in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) can be a rewarding experience. However, the process of securing a job in … Continue reading How to find a job in Saudi Arabia

Взгляд из Донецка – Факты и мифы патриотической войны

Каким я вижу будущее Донбасса? Вопрос, который способен поставить в тупик любого, даже самого профессионального и искушенного политолога. Мне проще ответить, каким я не вижу будущее Донбасса. Какая бы судьба не постигла мою многострадальную землю, знаю точно одно – мы всегда будем едины с Россией. Это в наших генах, а потому вряд ли возможно изменить. … Continue reading Взгляд из Донецка – Факты и мифы патриотической войны

The Swedish ideal of society is a dreadful and inhumane dystopian future

Sweden is nothing less than the most progressive country on earth, again and again appearing close to the top in the list of the most developed countries in the world, and the people in Sweden are apparently were well aware of (and make no mysteries about) it. But what does this being "progressive" mean? At … Continue reading The Swedish ideal of society is a dreadful and inhumane dystopian future