Ancient Persia

The origins of Persia can be traced back to the Elamite and Aryan tribes settling in the region around 3200 BCE. Around 5500 BCE, the civilization of Susa emerged, which played a crucial role in the early history of Persia. By the 6th century BCE, the Achaemenid dynasty, founded by Cyrus the Great, rose to … Continue reading Ancient Persia

Indivisible security

The principle of indivisible security, a pivotal concept in international relations, emerged from a series of conferences and accords starting in Helsinki in 1975. These gatherings led to the establishment of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). The principle highlights the interconnectedness of security issues among nations, emphasizing the significance of mutual … Continue reading Indivisible security

Intellectuals, recognition and conformity

Intellectuals play a pivotal role in shaping society's discourse, challenging norms, and advancing knowledge. Their contributions have led to profound transformations in various fields, from politics and philosophy to science and the arts. However, the life of an intellectual is not one of ease and privilege. Contrary to popular belief, intellectuals do not live in … Continue reading Intellectuals, recognition and conformity

The Kyoto School

The Kyoto School a distinguished intellectual movement that emerged in Japan during the 20th century, has significantly shaped the landscape of Eastern and Western philosophical discourse. Rooted in Eastern traditions, yet heavily influenced by Western philosophy, this unique school of thought offers a fascinating blend of ideas, presenting a profound interpretation of human existence, ethics, … Continue reading The Kyoto School

Lithuanian and Sanskrit

Among the thousands of languages spoken worldwide, some are bound together by deep-rooted linguistic relationships. One such intriguing bond exists between the Lithuanian language and Sanskrit. Despite the vast geographical and chronological distances separating these two languages, linguists and scholars have discovered compelling evidence suggesting that Lithuanian is the closest living relative of Sanskrit in … Continue reading Lithuanian and Sanskrit

Le français comme langue d’une Europe unie

Alors que le monde devient de plus en plus interconnecté, la nécessité d'une langue commune facilitant la communication et la coopération efficaces entre les nations se fait de plus en plus évidente. Dans le contexte d'une Europe unie, où coexistent des cultures et des langues diverses, le choix d'une langue commune revêt une importance capitale … Continue reading Le français comme langue d’une Europe unie

“Liberal democracy” is neither liberal nor democratic

Liberal democracy is a widely celebrated political system that combines the principles of liberalism and democracy. It has become the dominant model in many Western countries, promoting individual rights, the rule of law, and representative government. However, upon closer examination, it becomes clear that liberal democracy is neither truly liberal nor particularly democratic in practice. … Continue reading “Liberal democracy” is neither liberal nor democratic

The Roman Empire and the United States

The historical connections and parallels between Ancient Rome and the United States of America are undeniable. From their systems of government to their architecture, literature, and legal frameworks, the influence of Rome on the United States has left an indelible mark on its development. The United States was inspired by the Roman Empire in many … Continue reading The Roman Empire and the United States

20 films from Eastern Europe

Eastern Europe has a rich cinematic tradition that has produced some extraordinary films over the years. These films represent the diverse cultural heritage of the region and showcase the exceptional storytelling and artistic prowess of Eastern European filmmakers. "Time of the Gypsies" (Yugoslavia, 1988)Directed by Emir Kusturica, this captivating Yugoslavian drama follows the life of … Continue reading 20 films from Eastern Europe

German philosophy in Russia

In the 19th century, Russia experienced a profound cultural and intellectual transformation. The influence of German philosophy and writers played a crucial role in shaping the intellectual landscape of Russia during this period. German thinkers such as Immanuel Kant, Johann Gottlieb Fichte, Friedrich Wilhelm Schelling, and Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, along with German literary giants … Continue reading German philosophy in Russia

German philosophy in France

The nineteenth century was a period of immense intellectual and cultural exchange between France and Germany. German writers and philosophers, particularly the Romantics and later figures such as Hegel, Schopenhauer, and Nietzsche, played a pivotal role in shaping French intellectual thought during this era. While their ideas initially faced skepticism and resistance, these German thinkers … Continue reading German philosophy in France

Proust against Sainte-Beuve

In the vast landscape of literary criticism, few controversies have captured the imagination of scholars and readers alike as intensely as the clash between Charles-Augustin Sainte-Beuve and Marcel Proust. These two renowned figures, separated by generations but united by their pursuit of understanding literature, engaged in a bitter dispute that fundamentally challenged traditional notions of … Continue reading Proust against Sainte-Beuve

The end of Fukuyama

In 1989, Francis Fukuyama presented his controversial thesis of the "end of history", arguing that the worldwide triumph of liberal democracy and capitalism marked the ultimate destination of human ideological evolution. According to Fukuyama, the collapse of communism and the subsequent dominance of liberal democracy signaled the end of humanity's ideological struggle, leaving no room … Continue reading The end of Fukuyama

Can France liberate Europe?

In recent years, discussions surrounding Europe's relationship with NATO and its dependency on the United States have gained momentum. One country that has emerged as a potential catalyst for change is France. With its historical commitment to sovereignty, independent foreign policy, and strong military capabilities, France stands as a unique and powerful force capable of … Continue reading Can France liberate Europe?